Automotive Personnel CEO Don Jasensky asked this question when compiling his latest strategy recommendations for dealerships and finance companies.

In a message to the industry and also with SubPrime Auto Finance News, Jasensky said, “What do NASA, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett look for when hiring?”

After extensive study, the board member of the National Automotive Finance Association replied that he “found their thinking very enlightening. I hope you do, too.”

First, Jasensky shared what he discovered about NASA when the agency selects astronauts for Mars training.

“Imagine being in a small space capsule with six other astronauts, traveling for six months just to get there. Imagine living quarters the size of a small RV,” Jasensky said.

Jasensky said the three of the criteria NASA looks for include:

  1. Slow fuse
  2. Thick-skinned
  3. Optimistic

Next, Jasensky turned his attention to Musk, who runs multiple high-tech billion-dollar companies.

What are the attributes Musk demands? Jasensky said he wants:

  1. Excellence
  2. Loyalty
  3. Drive

Finally, Warren Buffett. Jasensky said the investment mogul talks about these three attributes:

  1. Smart
  2. Ambitious
  3. High integrity

“Mr. Buffett will tell you that if the executive does not have No. 3, then No. 1 and No. 2 will kill you,” Jasensky said.

So how do those attributes pertain to finding a qualified manager for your dealership or finance company? Jasensky articulated the attributes he’s sought from candidates:

  1. Initiative and drive
  2. Ability to motivate others to consistently achieve higher results
  3. Judgment and decision making; Are they asking the right questions, focused on “root causes?”
  4. Resolve: Will they stay with a very difficult challenge? Albert Einstein was once asked if he felt he was the most intelligent scientist in the world. He answered, “I may not be much smarter than my colleagues, but I do stick with a problem longer.”

Jasensky closed with, “What attributes do you look for?”

For more details about how Automotive Personnel can help with your workforce matters, go to www.AutomotivePersonnel.Careers, call (216) 226-8190 or send a message to Don@AutomotivePersonnel.Careers.