This week, Allied Solutions further expanded its industry relationships and portfolio of growth-focused solutions for credit unions.

The latest partnership is with Rhyze Solutions, a newly formed credit union service organization (CUSO) to support lending and capital market operations.

Allied Solutions joined Everwise Credit Union as a co-founding investment partner in Rhyze Solutions.

The partnership is designed to increase the value credit unions provide by expanding the institution’s loan and liquidity portfolio and expertise.

By leveraging Rhyze Solutions’ innovative business lending platform, credit unions and other financial institutions can easily access a variety of loan and liquidity solutions across multiple asset classes.

Allied Solutions chief executive officer Pete Hilger noted that this partnership is critical to ensure long-term growth and sustainability for Allied clients.

“We know our clients in the credit union industry need reliable lending solutions to streamline loan operations and expand their regional footprint.” Hilger said in a news release. “Our partnership with Rhyze provides those credit unions with tremendous opportunity to scale their business and aligns with our commitment to provide innovative solutions.”

In a news release from Rhyze Solutions, Hilger added, “We know that increased sophistication in lending operations, liquidity, and engagement in the capital markets are systemically important for our clients’ future success. Our partnership with Rhyze is another example of our commitment to do just that.”

Rhyze co-founder and president Chelsea Feliciano said the partnerships enable the CUSO’s “ability to build and scale the company with an innovative platform that supports a wide range of products and services across multiple asset classes.”

Rhyze co-founder and CEO, Syd Libsack went on to say, “Great partnerships are what drive this industry, and we could not be more excited to have two exceptional partners in Allied Solutions and Everwise Credit Union.

“Both organizations bring unique perspectives and a wealth of knowledge to the table that will help our organization quickly scale and, in turn, deliver value to their own clients and members. We could not be more excited to launch this CUSO with these partners by our side,” Libsack said.